R And J Tree Services


Professional Tree Maintenance Applications

Competitive pricing for more than 25 years

Military and Senior Discount 


What do you envision

We honestly want to know what you want, the more details, the better! If we save time and money by giving you a proper bid encompassing all of the work you may need during the first visit, we can transfer those savings to you and help you plan the most efficient way to achieve it!

That’s why we are here, to guide you through the process as efficiently as possible to save you time and money!

We can trim Pine Trees, Cypresses, Scrub Oak, and Eucalyptus Trees all year as long as we do not remove more than a third of the green (although it is recommended not to in extreme heat).


The most common reason is lack of watering deeply enough due to water restrictions and/or evaporation in our hot climate. There can be many other reasons ranging from pests to lack of nutrients, which can be diagnosed by our experienced and licensed estimators for free. Please feel free to call and discuss your special circumstances, we enjoy sharing information to help keep as many trees as possible!

R And J Tree Services